Wednesday, October 31, 2007,12:07 AM
learning about bats
learning about bats
from kindergarten kids~
Labels: senryu
Monday, October 29, 2007,9:12 PM
abandoned nest
abandoned nest
in the empty carport~
morning moon
Labels: haiku
Sunday, October 28, 2007,8:43 PM
yellow moon
yellow moon,
partially covered
by darkness,
are you hiding
something from me?
Labels: tanka
Saturday, October 27, 2007,10:48 PM
overgrown weeds
overgrown weeds
wave in autumn breeze~
Labels: haiku
Friday, October 26, 2007,10:14 PM
face to face
face to face
through decades~
foggy mirror.
(picture of me from the early '70s)
Labels: haiga
Thursday, October 25, 2007,8:26 PM
home photos
home photos
from many years ago
on my lap~
the beauty, the cruelty
of the future
Labels: tanka
Wednesday, October 24, 2007,9:29 PM
a flower
a flower
that I can't name,
soon to bloom,
reminding me of something
that never happened
Labels: tanka
Tuesday, October 23, 2007,9:16 PM
cleaning my desk
cleaning my desk
I see it,
your letter-
the only thing left
of summer
Labels: tanka
Monday, October 22, 2007,6:29 PM
cold wind blows
cold wind blows
through desert memories~
hint of winter
Labels: haiku
Sunday, October 21, 2007,9:57 PM
sounds of geese
sounds of geese
moving south in the dark~
Labels: haiku
Saturday, October 20, 2007,7:46 PM
autumn wind chases
autumn wind chases
away the sun's warmth, clinging
to colorful leaves
losing their grip~
she shows her age softly
Labels: tanka
Friday, October 19, 2007,8:16 PM
Tangled in Wisteria
It's out now! (sort of) You can order my book at the publishing's website now.
It won't be officially out for some weeks. At that time, it will be found on other websites and some bookstores.
Even though Tate's website says that the book is coming soon, it is being sent now - Barbara ordered one from N.Y. and got it this week.
Also, the audio version is coming soon. I really like how they did it. The man that read it sounds so much better than me! :)
,4:19 PM
turning around
turning around
to see you, the sun
that's been here
so many more years than me~
tell me your story
Labels: tanka
Thursday, October 18, 2007,11:02 AM
ghost town
ghost town
creaks in dusty wind~
visiting blogs
that haven't been seen
for months and months
Labels: tanka
Tuesday, October 16, 2007,12:57 AM
my hair blows
my hair blows
in different directions
in cold wet wind~
chilling thoughts
hide deep in my mind
Labels: tanka
Monday, October 15, 2007,12:47 AM
october walk
october walk~
colorful leaves, butterflies
and smiles
Labels: haiku
Sunday, October 14, 2007,12:29 AM
watching the sun
watching the sun
fall slowly to the west~
rising somewhere Labels: haiga
Saturday, October 13, 2007,12:56 AM
thinking of you
thinking of you
and our discussions
of our lives
as I watch the sun
be swallowed by a cloud
Labels: tanka
Friday, October 12, 2007,12:01 AM
using today
using today
to escape from today~
cool autumn air
unlocks memories
of my youth
Labels: tanka
Thursday, October 11, 2007,12:28 AM
wanting to go
wanting to go
far away, anywhere
but here-
dragging out old photos
as if they are maps Labels: taiga
Wednesday, October 10, 2007,12:57 AM
in the back
in the back
of my mind it continues,
a question,
as a train moves east
with the answer
Labels: tanka
Tuesday, October 09, 2007,12:27 AM
"I love you Henry"
"I love you Henry"
it says on a bench, written
in the cold october rain,
does she still love him?
Labels: tanka
Monday, October 08, 2007,12:01 AM
seeing your face
seeing your face
in a crowd of strangers~
autumn breeze Labels: haiga
Sunday, October 07, 2007,12:12 AM
our lives controlled
our lives controlled
by miles on a paper map,
tattered by use~
the answer of our future
not found in ink
Labels: tanka
Saturday, October 06, 2007,12:53 AM
autumn only
autumn only
on the calendar~
92 degrees
Labels: senryu
Friday, October 05, 2007,12:12 AM
far away voices
from the past
Labels: haiku
Thursday, October 04, 2007,12:39 AM
storm has passed
storm has passed~
listening to thunder
from the south
leaving only drops
of her tears
Labels: tanka
Wednesday, October 03, 2007,12:00 AM
my youth returns
my youth returns
as I watch her walk
from a distance~
in october
Labels: tanka
Tuesday, October 02, 2007,12:34 AM
aching joints
aching joints
in the wet autumn
another new day,
another new yesterday
Labels: tanka
Monday, October 01, 2007,12:13 AM
soft sound (haibun)
My wife and I had to be there early - in separate vehicles. Our oldest child is going to perform with his junior high band before the high school football game. He wants to stay and see the half-time show and as much of the game as he can. Not a great idea to me, though, so I offered to go early and take care of the other kids.
It's been more than twenty years since I've walked into Blakemore Field. That was in my first two years of college. I came here to see the high school band, still having some of the people that I had been in band with. (The real reason was to impress them, wearing my red Razorback Band jacket.)
noticing dust
on the piano~
autumn sunset
Walking through the gate, I'm amazed by the newness of the place. The bleachers have been re-built, making them huge compared to the ones from the past. The bright green everywhere.
The bands from the high school and both junior high schools fill the field. We walk through to the far end so we can see our son. The only people that call my name are my students. The only name I hear is Mr. Lockhart. Hearing, actually, is difficult tonight. Even with my hearing aid there's too much background noise. My wife says something to me and I have to lean all the way to her face to understand the words.
soft sound
of fluttering wings~
After the opening show we walk down the bleachers to meet our son. I have to go slowly and hold on to the rail. I've had problems recently with steps.
We meet him and tell him we enjoyed the performance. He's excited, this being his first time to play on that field. I tell my wife that the grandparents probably need some relief, so I'll go on home.
I walk slowly through the crowd, out the gate, and through the dark to my car - deciding to go for a drive.... a long drive.
an old book
I've never read~
second chance Labels: haibun