Tuesday, June 19, 2007,12:02 AM
a handmade card
One hour from home, driving way too fast. Far from the footstools of the Ozarks, now looking at a hint of the delta. She's asleep- at least she looks that way. He's staring out his window. I wonder if he's as nervous as I am....
a handmade card
for my birthday years ago
found in my closet
(rest of the story: We took our older son to his first time at band camp at Arkansas Tech. this morning. He has played the tuba for six months and has gotten pretty good. He's had lessons from a teacher from Juilliard and form me, of course.
My first year of band camp was at the University of Arkansas in 1979. I ended up first chair/first band playing the euphonium. I was hoping the same for him, but I didn't push it.
When we got there, we found out that there were 29 tuba players for 8 bands!
I wrote this haibun after we got back home. In a few hours, I got the call from him --- he got first chair/first band. I can finally breath.)


posted by J. Andrew Lockhart
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