The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
A country funeral, far from the town
He makes me lie down in green pasture;
far from the world,
He leads me beside the still water
where we meet to pay our respect
He restores my soul;
(or do we)
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
to my dead friend's father.
For His name's sake.
Sheets of rain pound on the metal roof of the pavilion
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
drowning out the voice of the preacher
I will fear no evil;
who tries hard to walk around the thoughts
. For You are with me.
that fill the minds Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
of the living.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
Would Heaven take him for drowning himself
You anoint my head with oil;
or would Hell even want him,
My cup runs over.
having mercy on him?
Surely goodness and mercy shall fallow me
The people move closer together
All the days of my life;
to keep dry as the rain blows in,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
reminding us of his last moment, covered with water and his last desperate gasp.