Tuesday, January 31, 2006,9:15 PM
january spring (haiga)

january spring-
cold thoughts
caught off guard
,5:52 PM
sand trap (haiga)

sand trap-
a beautiful
Monday, January 30, 2006,11:02 PM
her camisole (tanka)
her camisole
left on the bed
with clean sheets-
the phone rings,
I turn
,10:46 PM
sun down
sun down...
the city frantically
looks for rest
Sunday, January 29, 2006,10:11 PM
her words (tanka)
her words
in my cluttered mind
hang from wind chimes..
a distant thunder
forewarns the moon
Saturday, January 28, 2006,11:16 PM
concert hall (haiga)
concert hall-
fidgeting fingers with
,11:13 PM
overflowing (haiga)
gravity and motion-
,11:50 AM
rain drop (haiga)
rain drops-
answering long distant
Friday, January 27, 2006,11:30 PM
main street (haiga)
main street-
two centuries meet
,11:25 PM
lone tree (haiga)
lone tree-
counting days
until summer
,11:10 PM
light rain (tanka)
light rain
caresses the roof
at midnight...
she sighs
in a dream
,11:09 PM
cold water (haiga)
cold water-
january morning
day dream
,11:05 PM
inspiration (haiga)
an idea
shines in the sky
,11:01 PM
sanctuary (haiga)
leaving worries
on the lawn
Thursday, January 26, 2006,10:20 PM
warm afternoon (haiga)
warm afternoon..
thoughts meander down
a spring
,10:18 PM
a crow (haiga)
a crow..
cloudy morning
dampens the spirit
,7:19 AM
dark thoughts (haiga)
dark thoughts..
from the sun
Wednesday, January 25, 2006,10:15 PM
afternoon (haiga)
the sun heats the air
keeping his promise
Tuesday, January 24, 2006,10:11 PM
his memories (haiga)
his memories
ride the stream..
bruised by rocks
,10:06 PM
open door (haiga)
open door
abandoned by time..
entrance to nowhere
Monday, January 23, 2006,10:29 PM
icy smile (haiga)
icy smile..
by the frost
,10:26 PM
tears hidden (haiga)
looking up..
tears hidden
by rain drops
,5:56 PM
it flies off (haiku)
flying off...
taking my heart
with it
Sunday, January 22, 2006,3:50 PM
drops (haiga)
drops on the window
ground shivering
with memories
Saturday, January 21, 2006,10:33 PM
her happiness (haiga)
her happiness
slowly surrenders
to clouds
,1:36 PM
out of place (haiga)
out of place...
the crowd moves on
not noticing
,11:13 AM
cleaning dishes (tanka)
cleaning dishes
as the sun falls
a distant laugh
from visitors
Friday, January 20, 2006,5:52 PM
noon thunder (haiga)
noon thunder...
the sun takes a nap
...my umbrella
Thursday, January 19, 2006,10:15 PM
she smiles (haiga)
she smiles..
the sun rises
to see
Wednesday, January 18, 2006,10:31 PM
family reunion (haiga)
a peaceful
family reunion...
,10:30 PM
stretching to the sun (haiga)
stretching to the sun
for warmth..
stripped naked
,10:24 PM
a box (tanka)
hidden in
the closet,
a jewelry box
holding her prize..
a plastic ring
,10:20 PM
your face (haiga)
your face
in the reflection..
warm wednesday
Tuesday, January 17, 2006,10:14 PM
sanctuary (haiga)
turns against it's
,10:09 PM
chamomile tea (tanka)
the perfume smell
of chamomile tea
opens my mind...
hearing her voice
in the flower garden
,10:06 PM
breathless (haiga)
between heaven
and earth
,10:02 PM
the anchorman (senryu)
the anchorman
tells me what's important..
changing the baby
Monday, January 16, 2006,10:46 PM
the train bridge (haiga)
the train bridge
allows dreams to pass
to Mississippi
,10:43 PM
a forgotten toy (haiku)
a forgotten toy..
tumbling over rocks
with late night wind
,10:41 PM
billowing wind (haiku)
billowing wind...
the shingle shakes
,10:39 PM
gusts of wind (haiku)
gusts of wind..
the air demands
my attention
,10:38 PM
with the sun (haiga)
with the sun,
the river hides
it's rage
Sunday, January 15, 2006,11:35 PM
the tenants (haiga)
the tenants
leave at night..
no deposit
,11:34 PM
discovery (haiga)
of ancient bones..
bare and bleached
,11:27 PM
as I sleep (tanka)
walk away
as I sleep
with my eyes
Saturday, January 14, 2006,11:41 PM
dissatisfied (haiga)
a part of the river
starts a new path
,11:35 PM
hanging (tanka)
from the rafters,
a whispering song
wakes me up
from your dream
,11:34 PM
intentions (haiga)
lay quietly..
covered with dust
,11:27 PM
sleepless (tanka)
I watch you dream..
wondering if
we will have beds
in heaven
,6:50 PM
the past (haiga)
the past
swallows me
...the sun leaves
,9:45 AM
full moon (haiga)
a mouse
in the clutch of an owl
under the full moon
,6:43 AM
reflection (haiga)
mesmerize the sun
Thursday, January 12, 2006,10:15 PM
nature (haiga)
laughs through
a stone
Wednesday, January 11, 2006,10:28 PM
waiting for darkness (haiga)
. waiting for darkness
the moon
stands alone
Tuesday, January 10, 2006,10:17 PM
picnic table (haiku)
picnic table
abandoned in winter
littered with bird seed
,10:16 PM
spring grass (haiku)
spring grass
stretches through concrete
in parking lots
Monday, January 09, 2006,10:33 PM
smell of rain (haiga)
. the welcome
smell of rain...
,10:26 PM
spirits rest (haiga)
. spirits rest
as a swing waits
for spring
Sunday, January 08, 2006,11:30 PM
trees weep (haiga)
. trees weep
as a stone tells
a story
Saturday, January 07, 2006,11:15 PM
walking alone (haiku)
walking alone
hearing her voice
in the waves
,2:51 PM
ancient mist (haiku)
hearing forgotten
music from distant
ancient mist
Friday, January 06, 2006,2:00 PM
afternoon. (haiku).
a peaceful walk
on winter grass
Thursday, January 05, 2006,10:26 PM
giving my past (tanka)
giving my past
to listening children
with open minds
for them to have
a floor for their future
,10:24 PM
a pale blue iris (haiku)
looking at
a pale blue iris
she blinks twice
,10:20 PM
siting outside (haiku)
siting outside
on a cold metal chair
with warmth from the moon
Wednesday, January 04, 2006,10:18 PM
staring (haiku)
at the television...
daydream at midnight
,10:16 PM
to see the sun (haiku)
to see the sun
I stretch above trees
and close my eyes
,10:08 PM
squirrels hop (haiku)
squirrels hop
from limb to limb
taunting winter
,10:07 PM
above earth (haiku)
above earth
the moon hangs with the stars
and smiles
,10:04 PM
rose petal (haiku)
I see a rose petal
on the sidewalk
,5:51 AM
hot-air balloons (haiku)
hot-air balloons
blend delicatly with clouds...
watercolor dreams
,5:49 AM
photo album (haiku)
photo album
full of important days
covered with dust
,5:45 AM
lone flying bug (haiku)
lone flying bug...
don't tell him it's
Monday, January 02, 2006,10:03 PM
your song (tanka)
your song..
I hear it late at night
from a radio
left on
by accident
,10:02 PM
butterflies (haiku)
dance in daisies
at dawn
,9:59 PM
hearing trucks (tanka)
hearing trucks
on a distant highway
he looks strait up
at cobwebs
on the ceiling
,9:58 PM
distant mandolin (haiku)
music from a
distant mandolin..
she smiles again
,9:57 PM
iron chair (haiku)
iron chair
on cold concrete
prevents comfort
,9:54 PM
children wait (haiku)
children wait
for yellow school buses
in snow flakes
Sunday, January 01, 2006,11:03 PM
reeds rustle (haiku)
reeds rustle
as the snake passes
a small pond
,11:01 PM
I refuse
I refuse
to throw away
my past
just to make room
for a new year.
There's always
plenty of room
for the future.
,10:59 PM
flower pots (haiku)
flower pots
covered with pine needles
in winter
,10:58 PM
her voice (tanka)
her voice
echoes in my mind
at night
as I sit still
in the breeze
,10:56 PM
new year (haiku)
oak leaves
blow from the limbs
to the new year
,1:34 AM
full of memories (haiku)
the house
is full of memories...
too loud to sleep
,1:30 AM
the moments in time (haiku)
the moments in time
meet each other on this day
then gone again
,1:24 AM
the grandfather (tanka)
the grandfather
watches children playing
as he thinks
about his past..
and begs for the future
,1:23 AM
mockingbirds sleep (haiku)
mockingbirds sleep
not knowing
this is a new year
,1:21 AM
the earth spins (haiku)
the earth spins...
pages on the calendar
turn faster
,1:19 AM
the sun sees us (haiku)
the sun sees us
at a familiar spot
once again
,1:18 AM
new year day (haiku)
new year day
full of hope, promise
and hangovers