Saturday, December 31, 2005,5:59 PM
walking by the lake (haiku)
walking by the lake
at sunset..
,5:57 PM
new-year's eve (haiku)
new-year's eve
at the lake
ducks huddle for warmth
,5:54 PM
a group of geese (haiku)
a group of geese
loudly flies from the lake...
the year ends
,5:51 PM
ceder trees (haiku)
ceder trees
cover the hills...
thoughts of spring
,12:01 AM
I feel your presence (tanka)
I feel your presence,
looking out the window
seeing my children
taking turns
on a swing-set
Friday, December 30, 2005,11:58 PM
on the eighth hole (haiku)
on the eighth hole
seeing beautiful trees
and ugly sand traps
,11:56 PM
a winter night (haiku)
a winter night
full of heavy clouds...
,11:54 PM
calendar (tanka)
the calendar
says thirty-first
of December...
what happened
to January?
Thursday, December 29, 2005,11:26 PM
piles of leaves
in piles of leaves
children ruin my hard work
and sadness
Wednesday, December 28, 2005,11:13 PM
warm sunset (haiku)
warm sunset...
gold, powder blue thoughts
through cold bare trees
,11:03 PM
a pair of bats (haibun)
He sits outside in the dark. It's midnight and no one has told the dogs that it's past their bed time. Squirrels hop from one tree to another. Distant trucks drone and the temperature slowly falls. He is lost, though, in his thoughts.
a pair of bats
flap around the chimney
mocking the birds
,11:01 PM
cathedral bells (tanka)
cathedral bells
from a distance
startles the birds..
is it a wedding
or a funeral?
Tuesday, December 27, 2005,10:54 PM
piano alone (tanka)
piano alone
through the window...
la noche es inpotant
pero la musica
es mas
,10:52 PM
wind from the north (tanka)
wind from the north
awakes the trees
and the shutters
reminding us
we are powerless
Monday, December 26, 2005,10:58 PM
opening a drawer
opening a drawer
she finds a life
long forgotten..
one generation
to another
reminding her
that the future
isn't promised
but all
have been young
thanks to Dec. 26 on Trying to Catch Up
,10:56 PM
late night breeze (haiku)
late night breeze
through open windows..
honeysuckle thoughts
Sunday, December 25, 2005,11:07 PM
scented candles (haiku)
scented candles
compete with my eyes
for proper thoughts
,11:05 PM
his tombstone (haiku)
his tombstone
only visited
by birds
,11:04 PM
to see me (haiku)
to see me
a mockingbird
flies to the oak
,11:02 PM
dreams of tomorrow (haiku)
dreams of tomorrow
dashed as the robin's egg
falls to the ground
,11:00 PM
past meets present (haiku)
past meets present
as grandfather's rose
blooms by the barn
,12:42 AM
bricks wet (haiku)
bricks wet
from late night rain
and memories
Saturday, December 24, 2005,8:56 PM
Work found on "Stylus Poetry Journal"
some haiku and tanka of mine are now found on the January Issue of
Stylus Poetry Journal
Friday, December 23, 2005,10:22 PM
dream (haiku)
accompanied by rain
at midnight
,10:05 PM
campus bus (tanka)
a campus bus
rolls into the night...
a foreign man
leans over, saying
"Merry Christmas"
thanks to
From the Edgr to the Center
,12:07 AM
I hear her voice
I hear her voice
from long distant thunder,
river boats,
and memories
of days
that were longer.
,12:06 AM
bed of tulips (haiku)
bed of tulips
sway in warm breezes
at sunset
Wednesday, December 21, 2005,10:51 PM
Parisian (haiku)
cafe in a spring shower..
smell of licorice
,10:49 PM
holding hands (tanka)
holding hands
in the gallery
one by one
I see your face
on the walls
,3:24 PM
the sun (tanka)
the sun
as far as possible
away from me...
distant thoughts
out of reach
,12:04 AM
upon the fence (tanka)
upon the fence
we see a butterfly
reminding us
of the days we jumped
rather than opened gates
,12:02 AM
I see my breath (haiku)
I see my breath
as the sun falls away
dreaming of spring
Tuesday, December 20, 2005,12:24 AM
wisteria (haiku)
hangs on the gate
with lullabies
,12:22 AM
dark bayou (tanka)
dark bayou
full of cypress
and ghosts
of snakes
and dreams
,12:20 AM
covered with leaves (haiku)
covered with leaves
last gasp of grass
until spring
Monday, December 19, 2005,9:17 PM
cries from the hills (haiku)
cries from the hills
bring ancient warpaint
covered with dust
Sunday, December 18, 2005,11:18 PM
a field (haiku)
a field
full of wild daisies
begging for footprints
,11:16 PM
empty house (haiku)
empty house
covered with ivy
looking for light
Saturday, December 17, 2005,10:25 PM
snowflake (haiku)
unique and beautiful
falls on the blind
Friday, December 16, 2005,10:02 PM
dried rose (tanka)
dried rose
reminds him
of her
and his laugh
,9:50 PM
out the window (tanka)
of himself
he looks
out the window
for new victims
,6:11 PM
lighthouse (haiku)
above a rocky cliff
warns the moon
Thursday, December 15, 2005,9:44 PM
fond memories (haiku)
fond memories
interrupt my thoughts
of tomorrow
,6:33 PM
ho ho ho (haiku)
night sky view
distant sound of bells
ho ho ho
Wednesday, December 14, 2005,10:47 PM
trees snicker (haiku)
trees snicker
as a man rakes leaves
at sunset
Tuesday, December 13, 2005,12:16 AM
small cafe (haiku)
small cafe
with outside tables...
autumn clouds
,12:14 AM
an old man (haiku)
an old man
watches children
as years fly by
,12:10 AM
the bare tree (haiku)
the bare tree
jealously looks at
her brown hair
Sunday, December 11, 2005,10:17 PM
sunset sky
sunset sky
glazed mountains
in the west
,10:16 PM
all I see (haiku)
all I see
while looking at you
is the future
Saturday, December 10, 2005,10:16 PM
old ivy (haiku)
old ivy
chokes an iron gate
no trespass
Friday, December 09, 2005,10:07 PM
after snow (haiku)
after snow
birds hop on the ground
looking for spring
Thursday, December 08, 2005,9:00 PM
half-moon (haiku)
hanging half-moon
tries to hide behind
naked oak limbs
Wednesday, December 07, 2005,9:38 PM
first snow (haiku)
first snow
blankets the shovel..
I'll see her some day
Tuesday, December 06, 2005,9:32 PM
loneliness (tanka)
loneliness stretches
my imagination
as the leaves
scratch the screen
,9:30 PM
mother (haiku)
tree roots drink rain
as mother tenderly
nurses her infant
Sunday, December 04, 2005,10:09 PM
Chopin (haiku)
Chopin etude
accompanies the rain
and my heart
,10:08 PM
Christmas lights (haiku)
Christmas lights
make the dark hide
behind trees
,10:05 PM
reindeer (haiku)
metal reindeer
grotesque caricature
swallows the reason
Saturday, December 03, 2005,9:19 PM
the possum (haiku)
the possum
sees me at midnight..
he nods
Friday, December 02, 2005,2:31 PM
dawn frost (haiku)
dawn frost
ruthless night north front
,2:29 PM
hand print (haiku)
her hand print
captured by early frost
,2:27 PM
dead leaves (haiku)
dead leaves
back yard obituary